350 rub

Journal Highly available systems №1 for 2009 г.
Article in number:
Methodological support of perspective automation means complex design (v)
V.G. Belenkov
In article the consideration of structure of perspective automation means complexes (AMC) is finished. Thus the basic attention is concentrated to generalization of materials stated in articles 2-4.
It is shown that acceptance for a basis of classification of the «functional profiles» of AW, Complexes and AMC the following generalized signs:
-orientation to their use by certain group of users;
-their special-purpose designation;
-their primary orientation to support of the certain organization of the processing of the demands for work and information processing in aggregate or group of officials.
allow to allocate a number of groups of the «functional profiles» of AW, Complexes and AMC possessing a close special-purpose designation and use and also concerning close functionality regarding their functioning as a part of higher system. Division into groups does not depend from level of construction the AS to which structural elements from automation area concern and from automation area.
The described division into groups of the «functional profiles» of the structural elements of AS (AW, Complexes and AMC) allows formulating the following conformity to the law of their construction.
At each level of construction (Complex, AMC, AS on the whole) the AS is under construction of structural elements concerning to one of following groups:
- to the group of structural elements, oriented to realization of functional tasks, related to the conduct of the AS on the whole on relation to the others, including the higher rank systems, and in the environment , directly forming the typical (expectative) reaction of the AS, as related to automated activity, on the typical and others actions;
- to the group of structural elements, oriented to realization of functional tasks, related to the functioning of AS, as a system of structured elements IT of the infrastructure of the information production, realized the transformation of the information in the process of its processing on this production, including in part automated of AS activity.
- to the group of structural elements, oriented to realization of functional tasks, related to its capabilities on adaptation - bringing to conformity of the own («internal») functioning and conduct of AS in the conditions of aggressive influences from the side of the inner (as part of AS) deconstructive factors and actions, according to the changes of the conditions of its function and circumstances on the objects of the allocation of AS;
- to the group of structural elements, oriented to realization of functional tasks, related to its capabilities, on informative co-operation, both between structural elements AS and them with the objects of the interactive systems. At every level of construction AS (AW, Complexes and AMC) division of structural elements ACE on these groups can be presented as the following triarnogo relation - «threepole»:
(sphere of «conduct», sphere of «functioning (to production activity)», sphere of «adaptation (samoorganizatsii)»). In composition of the «threepole» enters also an «abstract information channel».
Every group of «threepole» » includes for three strata, conditioned the primary orientation of structural elements AS on support of certain organization of works.
The formulated conformity to the law (as a hypothesis) can be generalized on the structural elements of the information and technical systems, and also on the objects of the social and derivative of them systems. A concept «threepole» can be generalized on the difficult systems of any physical nature, and also on objects of systems social and derivative of them.
The formulated hypothesis allows to offer a qualitative explanation of following structural property of difficult systems of the various physical nature known from practice - the amount of types of subsystems of the difficult system at its decomposition can make to 7-8 types (7-8 types are an invariant of structure of difficult system). Formulated generalized signs and conformities to the law of construction Complexes, AMC and AS on the whole can be used for the study of structural and functional properties AS, and also at implementation in the conditions of high vagueness (insufficiency of a priori information about the automatized processes and tasks and about the area of automation on the whole) of such works, as forming of technical suggestions and requirements, planning of structural elements and AS on the whole.
They provide comparableness of «functional profiles» and properties (including properties of co-operation) of similar structural elements, belongings different AS independently upon an application domain of AS. They provide also the verification and transfer of properties, exposed for the structural elements of the information and technical systems on similar structural elements of AS.
On the basis of the offered signs the construction of the system of classification of the «functional profiles» of the typical AW, Complexes and Objects of the AS is completed.
Pages: 49-86
- Беленков В. Г. Вопросы методического обеспечения построения перспективного КСА. Общие тенденции развития КСА и АС в целом // Системы высокой доступности. 2007. № 1-2. Т.3. С. 5-35.
- Беленков В. Г. Вопросы методического обеспечения построения перспективного КСА (II) // Системы высокой доступности. 2007. № 3. Т.3. С. 5-40.
- Беленков В. Г. Вопросы методического обеспечения построения перспективного КСА (III) // Системы высокой доступности. 2008. № 1-2. С. 63-88.
- Беленков В. Г. Вопросы методического обеспечения построения перспективного КСА (IV) // Системы высокой доступности. 2008. № 3-4. С. 32-74.