350 rub
Journal Dynamics of Complex Systems - XXI century №4 for 2016 г.
Article in number:
Approval criteria-based evaluations when selecting investment projects
E.M. Remezova - Senior Lecturer, Department «UITES», Vladimir State University named after A.&N. Stoletovs E-mail: katarina.remezova@yandex.ru V.G. Chernov - Dr. Sc. (Econ.), Professor, Department «UITES», Vladimir State University named after A.&N. Stoletovs E-mail: vladimir.chernov44@mail.ru
The fundamental principle of economic science is the postulate that the income and wealth of the nation grows at about the same pace as the stock of it capital. The higher the investment rate, the higher the rate of economic growth, the faster growing national income and increased standard of living. Therefore, the acute need for investment in the real sector of the economy due not only to the importance of enhancing production, competitiveness of Russian products on the domestic and world markets, but also increasingly with the elementary conservation of the industrial, scientific, and technological potential of the country. The investment in the manufacturing sector is carried out mainly at the expense of own funds of enterprises. Limited sources of capital for investment leads to compelling thoughts on the development of methods to improve the efficiency of investment activities and assessment of effectiveness of alternatives to select the most effective. Of particular importance is the question of assessing the effectiveness and optimal selection of projects under uncertainty or risk. The risk that accompanies the process of selecting an investment decision, represents a characteristic phenomenon of the market economy. The problem of choosing effective projects is much more complicated in their assessment on a variety of indicators of efficiency of made decisions. All this leads to the need for a harmonized system of criteria for the evaluation and approval of the estimates for each of them to select the best investment option in conditions of uncertainty.
Pages: 10-21


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