A.V. Sukhobokov1, A.Yu. Philippovich2, I.R. Solokhov3, S.P. Khripunov4
1–4 Bauman Moscow State Technical University
Effective shipment tracking is essential for managing global trade and logistics activities. The large volume of goods moved, combined with the opacity of information and the complexity of processes, requires the implementation of a reliable technological solution with the ability to track in real time. Blockchain technology is a solution for tracking and managing the movement of goods in the supply chain without intermediaries or trusted third parties. The article describes the existing projects based on this technology, and offers a solution for effective supply chain management.
Itis necessary to analyze existing solutions, identify their advantages and disadvantages and propose solutions to solve the problem.
The developed version will allow you to interpret information about the product, namely: when and by whom it was produced, what components it consists of, by whom and when they were shipped; to sign accompanying documents using smart contracts.
The development of a logistics blockchain will increase the transparency of supply chains and improve interaction between counterparties.
Sukhobokov A.V., Philippovich A.Yu., Solokhov I.R., Khripunov S.P. Blockchain for signing events in the supply chain. Dynamics of complex systems. 2023. V. 17. № 1. P. 5−12. DOI: 10.18127/j19997493-202301-01 (in Russian)
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