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Journal Dynamics of Complex Systems - XXI century №1 for 2022 г.
Article in number:
Refinement of the mathematical model of the electromechanical converter using a numerical experiment
Type of article: scientific article
DOI: 10.18127/j19997493-202201-03
UDC: 004.04

Yu.M. Timofeev 1, K.D. Efremova2, E.M. Khalatov3

1,2 KB «Armatura» – a branch of JSC «GKNPTs them. M.V. Khrunichev» (Kovrov, Russia)
3 Bauman Moscow State Technical University (Moscow, Russia)


The issue of applying a numerical experiment using modern CAE-systems to refine mathematical models of technical devices with lumped parameters is considered. An electromechanical converter (EMC) of the electro-hydraulic drive of the launch vehicle steering tract was selected as the object of research. The considered EMC belongs to the type of dry polarized bridge electro-magnetic converters.

A mathematical model of the converter is presented, the model coefficients dependent on the design, technological and operational parameters of the converter are selected. The model was refined taking into account the following features of the object:

the mechanical subsystem of the converter is not rotational, as is customary in the model, and the movement of the armature relative to the body is complex;

to stabilize the characteristics of permanent magnets in time, as well as to obtain the required static characteristics of the converter, the latter is subjected to magnetic stabilization, which consists in partial demagnetization of permanent magnets under the external field.

The results of the study:

important conclusions on general issues of modeling converters of the considered design were drawn:

the conditional center of the armature rotation is located in the middle of the length of the sealing tube thin part;

the arms of the application of forces from the feedback and from the flows of the working fluid from the nozzles are not equal to the proportionality coefficients between the angle of the armature rotation and the movement of the shutter along the axis of the nozzles and the movement of the feedback lever along the axis of the positional springs;

the inductance of the control winding of two coils connected in a parallel-series circuit can be considered constant;

accuracy is improved and capabilities of the converter mathematical model with maintaining its simplicity are expended;

methods for refining the model, providing the ability to take into account design and technological factors when analyzing the functioning of converters of a similar design are developed and tested.

Pages: 35-45
For citation

Timofeev Yu.M., Efremova K.D., Khalatov E.M. Refinement of the mathematical model of the electromechanical converter using a numerical experiment. Dynamics of complex systems. 2022. V. 16. № 1. P. 35−45. DOI: 10.18127/j19997493-202201-04 (In Russian).

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Date of receipt: 02.02.2022
Approved after review: 14.02.2022
Accepted for publication: 21.02.2022