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Journal Dynamics of Complex Systems - XXI century №1 for 2020 г.
Article in number:
Algorithm of bus fleet optimizing based on analytical and imitation modelling
DOI: 10.18127/j19997493-202001-06
UDC: 004 942

A.V. Baldin Associate Professor, 

Department «Data science and control systems», Bauman Moscow State Technical University

E-mail: bal@bmstu.ru

I.D. Eroshok – Assistant, 

Department «Data science and control systems», Bauman Moscow State Technical University

E-mail: ideroshok@gmail.com


In this article the problem of optimizing the composition of the fleet for route servicing is set and solved, which is formally presented in the form of multicriteria choice between the cost of the fleet maintaining and the time spent by passengers to arrange the trip.  Analytical models of estimating the passenger waiting time and bus fleet costs for maintaining the route are presented, including: the probability of service denial, the regularity of transport services, and fleet’s daily expenses for maintaining the route. 

The basic and modified heuristic algorithms for selecting the composition of the park are proposed, allowing the use of less stringent restrictions. Analysis of the proposed models shows that an increase in capacity reduces the likelihood of failure. At the same time, both the capacity and the number of buses directly proportionally affect the reduced costs of the fleet. It is also shown that a slight increase in the cost of the transport fleet can give significant savings in reduced costs. When considering a selected route, the following options are possible: reducing fleet costs while increasing passenger waiting costs; reduction of both park expenses and waiting time; reduction in park expenses does not lead to a change in waiting time; reduced waiting times do not increase park expenses. To solve this problem the joint use of analytical and simulating model is proposed. The problem of buses distributing along the routes of the city's transport network is proposed.

Pages: 55-62
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Date of receipt: 10 марта 2020 г.