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Journal Dynamics of Complex Systems - XXI century №1 for 2020 г.
Article in number:
Application of BPMN visual instruments in modeling technological preparation of production
DOI: 10.18127/j19997493-202001-01
UDC: 681.3.06

A.I. Vlasov − Ph.D. (Eng.), Associate Professor, Deputy of Head of Department,

Department «Designing and Technology of Electronic Devices», 

Bauman Moscow State Technical University

E-mail: vlasovai@bmstu.ru

L.V. Zhuravleva − Ph.D. (Eng.), Associate Professor,

Department «Designing and Technology of Electronic Devices», 

Bauman Moscow State Technical University

E-mail: fogel@mail.ru

V.V. Kazakov − Magister,

Department «Designing and Technology of Electronic Devices », 

Bauman Moscow State Technical University

E-mail: kazakov.vadim.2012@yandex.ru


The decision of problems of system design assumes construction at the most full and easily interpreted models of a considered subject domain. In conditions of digital transformation such model should represent its such formalized description which is suitable for the digital processing, possessing flexibility, completeness, structure and not discrepancy. The important problem at stages of system design is proper application of the visual models, described the intellectual resources, methods and means of formalization, storage, processing and information transfer. The major role at a choice of means of modelling the possibility on expansion of functionality (customization) is.

In introduction the statement of the problem of the visual analysis of complex systems is given. It is shown, that modern character of consideration of complex systems defines problems of the analysis of processes proceeding in them, labour inputs of construction of the formal description, storage and processing of knowledge of objects and processes of these systems. Search of the decision of the given problems is at the moment constructed around of use of visual modelling and design as the basic tool of generation, storage and processing of knowledge of system. In section 1 the majority of instrumental means of visual modelling is shown, that, as a rule, provide the description of separate components of complex systems and have no means of interoperability (migration of data and knowledge) with other levels of concept. It causes low efficiency of application of visual modelling, in particular at the analysis of technological processes. The diagrams of contradictions resulted in section evidently illustrate major problems of progress and use of visual means of modelling.

In section 2 the basic instrumental decisions, such as Visio from company Microsoft, Enterprise architect companies IBM, ELMA BPM, BPM 2.0 modeler for Visio from company Trisotech, Bizagi Process Modeler, Modelio and ARIS Express are analysed.

However, it is necessary to note, that variety of methods and program tools of visual modelling, as a rule, it is aimed at creation of models of systems at abstract, structurally functional, information or objective levels. Thus between levels of model it is obviously not enough means of interoperability (migration of data and knowledge) or they are not present at all, that speaks about contradictions of visual means of modelling. The main lack of the existing approach to application of visual means of modelling - its fragmentariness, isolability of applications of the visual analysis and design at different levels of modelling from here follows.

In section 3 the procedure of the proved choice of instrumental means of modelling proceeding from seven groups of base criteria is offered. It is shown, that for the account of specific requirements and improvement of evaluation quality, it is recommended to enter weight factors for each of analyzed parameters. Entered weights can be chosen empirically, by gathering individual assessments of profile experts of the enterprise concerning analyzed program decisions. Thus the model adapts for problems of a subject domain and more relevant gives out results. The given approach allows to provide the given reason choice of tools of visual modelling in view of completeness of supported specifications of modelling, customization and possibilities of realization of synchronous technologies of modelling.

Pages: 5-22
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Date of receipt: 19 декабря 2019 г.