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Journal Dynamics of Complex Systems - XXI century №2 for 2017 г.
Article in number:
Neutron electric charge as a phenomenon of electrogravity
Type of article: scientific article
UDC: 004.942.001

N.I. Pozniakov – Leading Specialist, Group of Research Automation, Department of Applied Mathematics, Yu.Ye. Sedakov Research Institute of Measuring Systems (Nizhniy Novgorod)

E-mail: pozdnyakov.nkl@gmail.com


This research deals with determining electric charge of a neutron. It is assumed that the mass of the particle interacts with the electric field, and this interaction is measured in terms of a dual charge, the amount of which depends on the mass. In turn, electric charge of the particle interacts with the gravitational field and this interaction is measured in terms of a dual mass, the value of which depends on the charge. The author of this paper derived equilibrium equations of electrogravity force, the Coulomb force and the gravity force. The value of the electron dual mass, which is very close to its real mass, was found in the quantum states spectrum of the dual electron masses; this may be determined by the electron complex structure. Research results can be used in the creation of sensitive measuring equipment for measuring neutron charges through its quantum states spectrum, as well as in subsequent studies of electrogravity.

Pages: 30-44
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Date of receipt: 29 мая 2017 г.