350 rub
Journal Dynamics of Complex Systems - XXI century №1 for 2016 г.
Article in number:
Modeling of process heat wear round the saw when cutting the wood
A.S. Gusev - Post-graduate Student, Department of Computer Engineering, Vladimir State University named after A.&N. Stoletovs. E-mail: alexej.guse@yandex.ru
The questions of definition, assessing and reducing wear of cutting tools (in particular circular saws in woodworking) with the use of modern technology, now remain insufficiently studied. So important is computer modeling of processes of wear of cutting tools. In an article presents the theoretical basis for calculating the thermal wear of the circular saw, as well as the results of the modeling of the process of thermal wear of the cutting edges of saw teeth, for sawing of wood as across the grain and along, at the required intervals of time. The developed system allows to model the processes of thermal wear of the cutting edges of circular saw teeth at the next set of input parameters: for wood: the choice of wood, type of wood cutting (across or along), the humidity of the wood, the thickness of the material to be cut circular saw; for cutting speed: the choice of the number of turnovers of the saw on the machine and the diameter values of the saw; for the material of the tool: the choice of material circular saw, number of teeth, tooth pitch, tooth height, the thickness of the saw, the teeth of a saw, the initial radius of curvature of the cutting edges of the teeth. In the developed system implements the following tasks: 1) Finding of the optimal thermal wear, under given initial parameters within the required times, with two different cuts (transverse and longitudinal); 2) Determine the parameters that are in the given interval which have been obtained at optimal values of thermal wear; 3) Build of the graphs of dependences of thermal wear from time, when two versions of cutting (transverse and longitudinal).
Pages: 21-25


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