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Journal Dynamics of Complex Systems - XXI century №3 for 2015 г.
Article in number:
Two-dimensional mathematical model of the stress-strain state of a composite elastic spacecraft component
I.I. Dementyev - Engineer, «CB «Arsenal» (SPb). E-mail: iidementev@mail.ru V.D. Atamasov - Dr. Sc. (Eng.), Professor, «CB «Arsenal» (SPb). E-mail: kbarsenal@kbarsenal.ru A.Y. Zhuravlev - Head of Group, «CB «Arsenal» (SPb). E-mail: kbarsenal@kbarsenal.ru M.I. Kislitskiy - Ph. D. (Eng.), Head of Department, «CB «Arsenal» (SPb). E-mail: kbarsenal@kbarsenal.ru A.V. Romanov - Dr. Sc. (Eng.), Head of Department, «CB «Arsenal» (SPb). E-mail: kbarsenal@kbarsenal.ru
The paper presents a novel two-dimensional mathematical model describing the stress-strain state (SSS) of the detachable composite elastic spacecraft (SC) components which varies during their operation due to external mechanical and thermal effects. When developing this system of equations, we take transverse shear deformations into account which occur in composite structures when they change their SSS. It provides high accuracy of the results obtained using the proposed mathematical formalization. The assumption that taking transverse shear deformations into account improves the accuracy of the system of equations has been proved by many researchers who analyzed and compared the results obtained from the mentioned mathematical models with the results of the experiments. Modern spacecrafts include large-sized detachable elastic components: solar panels, radiators of the surface of the Earth, antenna panels, etc. During the process of the management of angular positions of the spacecrafts and the orientation of their elastic structural components (ESC), when the positions of the spacecrafts centres of mass change, elastic structural elements (ESC) oscillations occur. Oscillatory motion decreases the efficiency of the control of a spacecraft and as a result, reduces the productivity of a spacecraft, and prevents detachable components from being set to a given angular position. The solution of the problem is associated with the use of local oscillation damping systems (LODS) ? which are separate control circuits - together with the centralized control system (CCS) as part of a spacecraft. The data for the formalization of control laws (which are implemented by means of executive components of LODS) consists of the forms and parameters of ESC oscillations, which are determined on the basis of mathematical models describing their SSS during the flight operation of a spacecraft. The mathematical model described in the paper is to determine the form and parameters of the oscillations of the composite rod detachable components of a spacecraft and it is represented by a block of equations used for the development of the control algorithms for the mentioned technical devices. Control algorithms and the method of the combined use of CCS and LODS as parts of space vehicles, are the basis for the spacecraft motion control systems engineering. The latter, in their turn, make it possible to obtain high-quality solutions to the target tasks performed by the devices in space and from space in minimum time and with high efficiency.
Pages: 21-28


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