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Journal Dynamics of Complex Systems - XXI century №1 for 2015 г.
Article in number:
The simulation model of the electrohydraulic servo-driver
Yu.L. Arzumanov - Dr. Sc. (Eng.), Professor, General Director and General Product Engineer of Armatura Design Bu-reau - Khrunichev State Research And Production Space Center (Kovrov). E-mail: kba@kc.ru
Yu.M. Timofeyev - Engineer, Analytic-Calculated Centre, Armatura Design Bureau - Khrunichev State Research And Production Space Center (Kovrov). E-mail: timasp@inbox.ru
E.M. Khalatov - Dr. Sc. (Eng.), Professor, Head of Analytic-Calculated Centre, Armatura Design Bureau - Khrunichev State Research And Production Space Center (Kovrov). E-mail: kba@kc.ru
The article treats of a simulation model of an electrohydraulic servo actuator that can be a constituent of the steering of a space launch vehicle or an upper stage. The model is formed on the basis of an actuator nonlinear mathematical formulation developed previously.
The training version of the Russian bundled software «Simulation in technical devices» is used as a medium to develop the simulation model.
The model makes it possible to determine the dynamic behavior of the actuator as transients and frequency characteristics.
The model involves three subsystems. The basic subsystem implements the actuator mathematical formulation. The subsystem for results processing and presentation is intended for calculation of complementary quantities and output of their time dependencies in plots and in files. The results recording subsystem is intended to file the process time values, the amplitude and the frequency of control and output signals that are used for calculation of the actuator frequency characteristics at a later time.
As an example we refer to the actuator frequencies calculation results. The adequacy of developed mathematical and simulation models is confirmed by the comparison of calculation results with the experiment and technical requirements.
Pages: 51-55
- Arzumanov JU.L., Timofeev JU.M., KHalatov E.M. Nelinejjnaja matematicheskaja model ehlektrogidravlicheskogo servoprivoda rulevogo trakta rakety kosmicheskogo naznachenija // Materialy 3-jj Vseros. nauchno-tekhnich. konf. «Informacionno-izmeritelnye i upravljajushhie sistemy voennojj tekhniki». Vladimir. 14−16 nojabrja 2012. Moskva: Izd-vo RARAN. 2012. S. 17−26.