350 rub

Journal Dynamics of Complex Systems - XXI century №4 for 2014 г.
Article in number:
Variable base gradientometer systems based on three-component magnetometers
three-component flux-gate transducer
three-component accelerometer transducer
D. G. Milovzorov - Ph.D. (Eng.), Associate Professor, Department of Information and Measuring Equipment, Ufa State Aviation Technical University. E-mail: dgmilovzorov@yandex.ru
V. Kh. Yasoveyev - Dr.Sc. (Eng.), Professor, Department of Information and Measuring Equipment, Ufa State Aviation Technical University. E-mail: yasov@mail.ru
T. A. Redkina - Lecturer, Kalashnikov Izhevsk State Technical University (ISTU) E-mail: eshkeeva@mail.ru
When researching magnetic fields in practice there are problems of determining the spatial distribution the resulting induction vector gradient or field strength. It is necessary to evaluate the remaining magnetization of ferromagnetic parts, search and detection of ferromagnetic objects, as well as search for ferromagnetic materials in the surface area of soils. Objects of researching have its own magnetic field, or distort the homogeneous field of the Earth.
When solving gradiometry complex problems it is advisable to apply the design of two three-component flux-gate transducers, separated from each other by a certain distance allowing for the difference of the measured parameters to assess the gradient magnitude of the resulting induction vector or magnetic field strength.
Pages: 25-31
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