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Journal Dynamics of Complex Systems - XXI century №3 for 2014 г.
Article in number:
Analog-digital converters with conveyer structure, functionings in residue number system
A. A. Kozhevnikov - Ph.D. (Phys.-Math.), Associate Professor, Voronezh branch of Moscow State University of Railway Engineering (MIIT)
K. P. Bespalov - Head of the Sector, JSC «Sozvezdie». E-mail: akozhev@yandex.ru
Progress of the alternative arithmetic devices functioning in the residue number system (RNS) requires the expansion of technical means for physical measurements. This task is successfully accomplished through the development of analog-to-digital converters (ADC) with the latest architectural solutions and technologies. ADC in RNS with pipeline parallel structure on the base p1, p2, ..., pn consists of n tracts, n links «ADC ( Ai ) in each tract. Each link in the «ADC Ai » provides a rudimentary ADC and DAC (digital-to-analog converter) with the number of quantization levels equal to pi. In each link there is the difference in input analog signal and value from the DAC. Then the signal is amplified in the subtracting block in the pi times. As a result, after the n-th link a value of the remainder is formed. The ADC in RNS of the ring structure on the base p1, p2, ?, pn consists of n blocks tracking-storage (TS), ADCs, DACs, blocks subtracting, so that the number of quantization levels ADC and the gains of subtracting blocks are p1, p2, ?, pn. Work is carried out for n steps. Further progress of the circular ADC in RNS idea allowed implementing the new device, in which the identical blocks unite in one ADC, one DAC and one subtraction block, thereby reducing hardware costs. Synthesis of noise in the devices functioning is especially danger for pipeline architecture, because each link is scaling operation of the analog signal, which leads to the growth of the error from the cascade to cascade almost exponentially. Simulation of one tract has shown that an error codes percentage in double logarithmic coordinates linearly depends on the multiplication of bases, for a given error of resistors, the more the multiplication of bases, the number of error codes and more. Thus, the hardware implementation of the correctly working conveyor ADC in RNS, demands searches for new methods of detection and correction of incorrect code words.
Pages: 11-14

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