350 rub
Journal Dynamics of Complex Systems - XXI century №2 for 2014 г.
Article in number:
Research potential to transmit information through the multifunctional space systems retranslation «Luch»
D. V. Konovalova - Programmer Engineer, Integrated Technology Research, Scientific Industrial Enterprise, Russia. E-mail: sapfir30@yandex.ru
G. I. Andreev - Post-graduate Student, Lebedev Institute of Precision Mechanics and Computer Engineering Russian Academy of Sciences. E-mail: andreeffgena@rambler.ru
V. V. Letunov - Post-graduate Student, Lebedev Institute of Precision Mechanics and Computer Engineering Russian Academy of Sciences. E-mail: vladimirletunov@yandex.ru
In this article describes technical information about the composition and parameters multifunctional space system retranslation «Luch». The results of optimization points standing position to satellite transponders of the system «Luch» to the maximum total time visibility of objects rocket and space technology from the aspect to orbital group space retranslation system are given. Also presents the results of a research on the expansion of the range of user heights based on the existing to satellite transponders.
Pages: 96-98

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