350 rub
Journal Dynamics of Complex Systems - XXI century №5 for 2013 г.
Article in number:
Evaluation the effectiveness of the institutions of state support of small and mediumsized businesses at the regional level
A. I. Ivanov - Ph.D. (Econom.), Associate Professor, Presidential Academy of National Econimy and Public Administration (Vladimir branch). E-mail: iav@bk.ru
The article investigates some problems of state support of small business at regions of Russian Federation. The author analyzes the legal framework that regulates the formation of the reporting of budgetary funds for these purposes. As a result it turns out that most of the system indicators, which reflect the effectiveness of state support for entrepreneurship, are formed at the regional level, but budget funds are allocated by both federal and regional authorities. The author concludes that the current system of performance indicators of budget expenditures has several drawbacks including the lack of complexity and feedback. The serious part of modern methods to support entrepreneurship is poorly used, and indicators describing them, are not always adequate. The article proposes the basic direction of the change reporting parameters on the performance of the budget to support entrepreneurship. The introduction of new indicators that operationally reflect the most pressing problems of small businesses would make the institutional environment of business more comfortable, and it would cost the state for these purposes to the relevant principles of results-oriented state budgeting.
Pages: 39-47

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