350 rub
Journal Dynamics of Complex Systems - XXI century №5 for 2013 г.
Article in number:
Strategic management of development of minor entrepreneurship in the municipality
V.V. Kalmykov - Dr.Sc. (Econom.), Professor, Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration (Vladimir branch). E-mail: Whiteraven33@ya.ru
E.V. Malinina - Director, Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration (Vladimir branch). E-mail: Whiteraven33@ya.ru; E-mail: malina921@inbox.ru
Article deals with system of strategic development of minor entrepreneurship in municipalities on the example of Vladimir, enclosing main principles of the system of strategic management of minor entrepreneurship, reviewing main problems of enlarging its efficiency. Author provides her view on possible and most economically-justified ways of structuring interconnections between public authority and entrepreneurs in the Vladimir region in accordance with its economic, social and political specificity and its geographic position. Author think that at least underlying steps should be made in order to provide possible roots for further development of minor entrepreneurship in Vladimir region: 1) entrepreneurs should be stimulated by means of implementing legal basis and tax easing; 2) public authority should provide necessary mechanisms for increasing economic activity in the region; 3) existing legislative on land ownership should be amended in order to provide more reasonable and easy ways of registering rights and trasactions with land plots.
Pages: 20-23

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