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Journal Dynamics of Complex Systems - XXI century №4 for 2013 г.
Article in number:
A using of products of National Instruments Company for the implementation data transfer through the SPI interface
A.I. Maksimkin - Post-graduate Student, National research nuclear university «MIFI». E-mail: avian4uk@gmail.com
A.N. Semenenko - Post-graduate Student, Moscow institute of electronics and mathematics of National research university «Economy Higher School». E-mail: matanmaniak@mail.ru
This article is called «A using of products of National Instruments Company for the implementation data transfer through the SPI interface». As follows from the title, in given article a using of products of National Instruments Company for the implementation data transfer through the SPI interface for different applications (on the example of the laboratory stand) is considered. The formulation of the problem and steps of the solution are presented. In this article formulation of the problem of the modernization of laboratory stands is presented. In given article a language of graphical programming NI LabVIEW and laboratory station NI ELVIS II (Educational Laboratory Virtual Instrumentation Suite) are described. Besides, article contains information about laboratory complex «Operational amplifiers and their applications» as part of the analog electronics, which is developed by the cathedra № 18 «Construction of equipment and installations» and by the cathedra № 26 «Cathedra of electronic measuring systems» of National Research Nuclear University «MEPHI». Article presents hardware and software, which can help to achieve this goal. In given article the justification of the selection of the data transfer interface for the laboratory stand is presented. Further, article contains the justification of the development of new library for the implementation of data transfer through the SPI interface, which consist of 3 components: Init_SPI.vi, transfer_SPI.vi и Close_SPI.vi. Each component is described. In this article block-diagram of VI, which transfer 1 byte, and block-diagram of VI, which implement cyclic data transfer, are given. In this article results of this work are presented. Besides, possible fields of application of developed library are given.
Pages: 59-63

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