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Journal Dynamics of Complex Systems - XXI century №2 for 2013 г.
Article in number:
Realization of the automatic machine for construction of models of thermal processes of any designs of radioelectronic means as a part of system ASONIKA
M.A. Shalumov
In article the computer program developed by the author intended for thermal calculation of any designs, and also its place in system ASONIKA is considered. The work which result became creation of the computer program for construction of thermal model of any design has been spent. She allows to make thermal calculation of any design which 3D-model can be imported from the external program or to create independently by means of the built in editor. In the program there is a possibility to set parametres both for all block as a whole, and for each element separately. Two types of calculation - a stationary mode or a non-stationary mode are accessible. At a choice of a non-stationary mode it is necessary to set some more parameters - an operating time, accuracy of integration, the minimum and maximum step, and also reference temperature. Also there is a possibility to set ambient temperature - the constant changing in time on function set by the user or changing in time under the set table. Last two variants are applied at a non-stationary mode. The program supports four types of function - pulse, sinusoidal, sawtooth and difficult. The given program is successfully entered in system ASONIKA. It allows us to lower expenditures of labour of the user, and also to raise accuracy and quality of calculations, including at the expense of minimisation of possible errors because of influence of the human factor.
Pages: 67-71

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