350 rub
Journal Dynamics of Complex Systems - XXI century №2 for 2013 г.
Article in number:
Development resources of a regional consumer market: the role and importance of the human factor
I.V. Panshin, O.B. Yares, E.R. Mazunova
At the modern stage of the social-economical development of the society the consumer market has become one of the main indicators of various transformational processes, taking place in Russian regions. The consumer market development control consists of planning, investigation, distribution, redistribution and employment of resources control, which are necessary for the providing of the progressive advance. It follows therefrom that there is a need for defining the resources of the regional consumer market development, which include: - investments into the development of outputs and services production; - human resources of the region each of the presenting the demand on the final output (services) and providing its satisfaction in the quality of employees; - informational resources, which influence the consumers - decision making; - innovative and scientifical and technological resources, which allow to introduce new and developed outputs and services to the regional market. For the effective Vladimir region consumer market development it-s necessary to: - enhance the social finding of the consumer market development; - improve the field of the consumer right protection; - consumer demand promotion in the market, including the way of the consumer market substructure development; - capacity building of the personnel in some branches of the consumer market. In all the proposals mentioned above the human factor plays the leading role. The effective development of the consumer market involves first of all investigations and economical resources allocation in human development, both as a consumer and an essential participant of the market and in the body of the market substructure.
Pages: 50-54

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