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Journal Dynamics of Complex Systems - XXI century №2 for 2009 г.
Article in number:
Proton Conductivity and Dielectric Relaxation of Water in Nanoporous Alumina
Frequency dependence of the impedance of nanoporous Al2O3 with adsorbed water in the temperatures range near phase transition water - ice was investigated. Correlation between processes of proton transport and dielectric relaxation of water confined in oxide-s nanopores was established. Two processes of dielectric relaxation of water in Al2O3 nanopores were revealed. One of them is concerned with Maxwell-Wagner polarization, and the other one - with the "jumps" of protons between adjacent water molecules within the limits of one cluster. Distributions by time of high-frequency water relaxation were obtained in low-temperature, high-temperature phases and at temperature of phase transition in water confined in Al2O3 nanopores
Pages: 27
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