A.R. Bestugin1, M.B. Ryzhikov2, I.A. Kirshina3, V.G. Svanidze4
1–4 Saint Petersburg State University of Aerospace Instrumentation (St. Petersburg, Russia)
1 freshguap@mail.ru, 2 maxrmb@yandex.ru, 3 zlata@yandex.ru, 4 kurgan78@yandex.ru
Currently, there is an increasing interest in the development of the economic, logistics, and research infrastructure of the Arctic region from both public and private companies. The Arctic region attracts the attention of investors because it has a significant amount of mineral and biological resources that can be of significant economic and scientific value. The constant vector of industrial development and the use of Arctic resources requires new research and technologies in the region under consideration. The methods and means used in carrying out work in the Arctic must meet the requirements of a complex climate and be adapted to the difficult environmental conditions of the Polar region. Significant efforts are still needed to solve technical problems related to the use of equipment and information support in order to build an industrial and logistics management system in the Arctic. Nevertheless, the difficulties of developing the Arctic region seem to be surmountable with due optimism.
To build maps of the Arctic surface in real time, both at short and long distances, regardless of weather conditions, it is better to use airborne radars placed on small aircraft carriers or on an unmanned flying platform. Radars have a longer range in relation to optical-electronic systems of the infrared or visible ranges in difficult weather conditions, such as snow, which is typical for polar latitudes.
In this paper, a geometric apparatus has been proposed for the formation of detailed images of Arctic surfaces by an on-board radar mounted on an unmanned aerial platform. A related group of coordinate systems has been proposed, including a system tied to a given terrain, systems connected to an unmanned carrier in various orientations, a coordinate system of the antenna web and an electronically controlled beam, as well as coordinate systems of full and partial images.
The scheme of forming a set of partial frames and their “assembly” into a single radar frame of a given viewing area has been presented. The corresponding geometric software has been developed, which includes the assignment of a set of coordinate systems linked to the carrier, the center of partial and full frames, their mutual recalculation, as well as the algorithm of “assembling” frames. In addition, recommendations have been given for the choice of a coefficient that determines the degree of overlap of partial sections, as well as for averaging and interpolating the pixel values.
The last section of the article presents a geometric apparatus for controlling the electronic scanning of the antenna device beam, taking into account the angles of evolution of the carrier and the angles of installation of the antenna web on the mounting panel.
The results obtained in the course of work are intended for use in radars used on board an unmanned aerial vehicle for monitoring and reconnaissance of the surface and air situation in the Arctic zone in order to navigate ships and to ensure the safety of navigation in general, to assess the situation in areas of settlements and industrial zones, to monitor the biosphere and climate change.
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