Yu.A. Bryukhanov1, V.S. Nadin2
1, 2 P.G. Demidov Yaroslavl State University (Yaroslavl, Russia)
1 bruhanov@uniyar.ac.ru, 2 vikthea@yandex.ru
Frequency-manipulated signals are used in digital message transmission systems. One of the main problems in communication technology is the problem of noise immunity in the transmission of information messages, due to the continuous increase in the number of radiating electronic devices. The goal of the article is to analyze errors in the coherent reception of orthogonal signals with frequency manipulation under influence of harmonic interference with random parameters.
The expressions have been obtained and calculations of the error probability of coherent reception of orthogonal radio signals under influence of harmonic interference have been performed. The dependences of the error probability on the amplitude, frequency and initial phase of the interference for different reception channels with three alphabet sizes have been established. The results of the work can be used in the design of radio engineering systems for transmitting digital messages.
Bryukhanov Yu.A., Nadin V.S. Influence of harmonic interference on coherent reception of orthogonal signals with frequency shift keying. Achievements of modern radioelectronics. 2024. V. 78. № 9. P. 53–59. DOI: https://doi.org/10.18127/j20700784-202409-05 [in Russian]
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