I.S. Ashurkov1, N.A. Leshko2, A.N. Grachev3, A.V. Kadykov4, D.S. Krotov5
1, 2, 4, 5 Yaroslavl Higher Military School of Air Defense (Yaroslavl, Russia)
3 Central Instrumentation Design Bureau (Tula, Russia)
1 ivan_ashurkov1@mail.ru, 2 nikolai_zru@mail.ru, 3 rts10@cdbae.ru, 4 kadykovanton76@yandex.ru, 5 krotoff.07@mail.ru
To increase the detection efficiency of small-sized targets, for example, unmanned aerial vehicles, it is necessary to increase the signal-to-noise ratio, either by changing the energy of potential radar stations (radars), which requires significant design modifications of the radar transmitting and receiving devices, or by increasing the time of accumulation of information obtained over several surveys space. This can be achieved by using multi-view processing methods based on TBD (Track-Before-Detect)-technology with the use parametric Hough and Radon transformations of the results primary processing radar information, in an additional program channel of radar processing.
The aim of the work is to reveal the essence the method detection of small-size targets using parametric transformations in conditions of low values of signal-to-noise ratio and to evaluate its quality indicators (probability of correct detection and false alarm) by modeling.
The results of modeling calculations show that when using the new method in the additional program channel of the radar, the probability of detection of small-sized unmanned aerial vehicles is increased and the range of their detection is increased by 10–25% on average in conditions of low signal-to-noise ratio, which is several units.
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