E.P. Vinogradova1
1 St. Petersburg State University of Aerospace Instrumentation (St. Petersburg, Russia)
1 kate_v@rambler.ru
Modern trends in unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs), which provide for the possibility of determining their location based on correlation-extreme navigation methods in case of violations of radio navigation fields, involve solving related problems of optimizing the use of on-board resources computing devices. The construction of correlation-extreme navigation systems (CENS) using digital terrain matrices (DEM) of the earth's surface is based on the principles of searching for the maximum of the target functional, which is achieved when the altitude flight profiles obtained as a result of UAV height measurements coincide, and calculating the vertical sections of the DEM by the surface formed on the basis of its predicted trajectory. Using a DEM in an unoptimized (initial) form is impractical, since it requires significant memory costs and computational operations to work with it. The aim of the work is to develop a method for approximating the DEM of the earth's surface by polynomial functions based on the criterion of a given accuracy in determining the location of a UAV using correlation-extreme navigation methods to reduce the requirements for memory and performance of the UAV computing device.
A method of polynomial approximation of the DEM of the Earth's surface is presented, which reduces the resource requirements of computing devices used in UAV navigation complexes. It is shown that when using the proposed approximation method, the solution of correlation-extreme navigation problems is performed with the same accuracy as when using the original DEM. The given technique of polynomial approximation of the DEM allows to significantly reduce the requirements for the amount of memory and performance of on-board computing devices of the UAV.
Vinogradova E.P. Polynomial approximation of the digital terrain matrices of the earth's surface for the correlation-extreme navigation system of an unmanned aerial vehicle. Achievements of modern radioelectronics. 2024. V. 78. № 8. P. 39–43. DOI: https://doi.org/10.18127/j20700784-202408-07 [in Russian]
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