B.D. Manuilov1, A.Ch. Zheltko2
1,2 FSUE «RNIIRS» (Rostov-on-Don, Russia)
1 b.d.manuilov@mail.ru, 2 achzheltko@mail.ru
The developed designs of a broadband patched antenna, built using the principle of self-complementary, and containing a two-layer substrate and a conducting circular cylinder, form a radiation pattern close to symmetrical and provide a matching of about -10 dB in a 50% band (from 18 GHz to 30 GHz). This band increases the bandwidth of the patched antenna by 2,5 times in accordance with recently published work [9]. At a frequency of 20 GHz, the cross-polarization signal level is -22,5 dB. This indicator is not given in [9].
At frequencies below 18 GHz, there is a significant (up to 130) deviation of the maximum of the copolarization pattern from the normal to the aperture, and therefore, with the selected design dimensions of the antenna, the range of operating fre-quencies should be limited from below to a frequency of 18 GHz.
The simulation of the characteristics of the developed element in the array showed that the introduction of a conducting cyl-inder into the antenna weakens the interaction of antenna through the substrate, expands the matching band, reduces the level of cross-polarization radiation and improves the isolation between orthogonal microwave inputs.
Measurements of the characteristics of the developed antenna generally confirmed the simulation results.
Manuilov B.D., Zheltko A.Ch. Broadband patched element of antenna array K-band with two orthogonal polarizations and low level cross-polarization radiation. Achievements of modern radioelectronics. 2024. V. 78. № 6. P. 88–96. DOI: https://doi.org/10.18127/ j20700784-202406-09 [in Russian]
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