G.D. Scryabin1, P.E. Ryabov2, M.A. Borisov3
1 Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov (Moscow, Russia)
2 Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation (Moscow, Russia)
3 VUC Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov (Moscow, Russia)
1 skryabin.gleb.edu@gmail.com, 2 peryabov@fa.ru, 3 u567ku78@gmail.com
Information graphs of algorithms are actively used in studies of hidden parallelism in algorithms implemented in sequential programming languages. An automated visualization system is designed to provide a visual representation of the internal structure of the algorithm, simplify the process of detailed analysis of the algorithm, and eliminate the need for «manual» visualization of the algorithm, allowing researchers to focus on analyzing the algorithm itself. The interactive 3D model of the algorithm graph also contains auxiliary information that provides maximum visibility of the arcs belonging to individual vertices and the general logical structure of the algorithm. This allows those who do not have experience in the application of the algorithm of interest to work with the visualization system. Additionally, the system establishes a clear relationship with the operation scheme of the implementation of this algorithm and with the source code of the implementation.
The purpose of the work is to conduct a study of modern methods of 3D visualization and presentation of the development of an automated system for visualizing algorithm graphs.
Software has been created that converts intermediate JSON data into an internal representation for use with 3D visualization libraries. A system for interactive 3D visualization of information graphs of algorithms has been developed, providing opportunities for convenient visual analysis of the graph of algorithms. A web application has been written to present the system in a finished form, in which you can upload XML files and receive interactive 3D visualization. Optimization methods have been implemented to reduce the load on the browser's graphics core. The considered AlgoView system allows you to create an information graph of the algorithm, creates its interactive 3D model and provides opportunities for its analysis.
Skryabin G.D., Ryabov P.E., Borisov M.A. Development of technology for 3D-visualization of information graphs of algorithms. Achievements of modern radioelectronics. 2024. V. 78. № 4. P. 15–21. DOI: https://doi.org/10.18127/j20700784-202404-02 [in Russian]
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