A.V. Bogdanov1, S.V. Macksimovich2, S.G. Petrov3, G.А. Yurin4
1–4 G.K. Zhukov Air and Space Defense Academy (Tver, Russia)
2 serega-max@yandex.ru
The problem of developing a dynamic model of Doppler frequencies spancing, adequate in terms of trajectory statistical characteristics to real Doppler frequencies spancing corresponding to a stationary flight of a multi-type pair of aircraft frequencies spancing, is due to the need for effective simulation of an algorithm for recognizing the typical composition of a group air target based on the joint use of Kalman filtering and a neural network.
The purpose of the article is to develop dynamic models of Doppler frequencies spacing adequate in terms of trajectory statistical characteristics due to stationary flight of a different type of pair of aircraft with turbojet engines while maintaining a given distance in a closed combat order.
The result of the article is: based on experimental initial based on the trajectory statistical characteristics of radar signals reflected from a real multi-type pair of aircraft during their stationary flight in close combat order, dynamic models of Doppler frequencies spancing have been developed due to reflections of radar signals from gliders and rotation blades of the first stages of low-pressure compressors for the master and slave aircraft of their different type pair, one of which is necessary for training neural The second is for the functioning and simulation of the algorithm for recognizing the typical composition of a group air target as a whole based on the joint application of Kalman filtering and a neural network.
The practical significance of the article lies in the fact that the inadequance of the developed dynamic model in terms of trajectory statistical characteristics of real changes in the Doppler frequencies of stationary flight of a pair of aircraft with turbojet engines is no more than 10%, which will allow us to obtain reliable and acceptable in practice values of the probabilities of correct recognition of the type of aircraft as part of their different type of pair at different signal/noise ratios and conditions of stationary flight.
Bogdanov A.V., Macksimovich S.V., Petrov S.G., Yurin G.А. Dynamic model of Doppler frequency separations of a flight of different type of aircraft pair with turbojet engine. Achievements of modern radioelectronics. 2024. V. 78. № 3. P. 28–40. DOI: https://doi.org/10.18127/j20700784-202403-04 [in Russian]
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