A.N. Konev1, D.V. Chashchin2, N.A. Vorobyov3, P.V. Luferchik4
1–4 JSC SPE «Radiosvyaz» (Krasnoyarsk, Russia)
1 konev_an@krtz.su, 2 chaschin_dv@krtz.su, 3 vorobev_na@krtz.su, 4 lpv@krtz.su
Creating a communication system capable of providing reliable communication of an operational group in conditions of obstacles with high permittivity is an urgent task today. Electromagnetic waves significantly attenuate when passing through obstacles such as water, concrete, soil, which makes it impossible to use traditional communication methods. The use of a near-field magnetic communication system (NFMC) allows for radio communication in such conditions.
At the same time, NFMC has a number of features and limitations. The operating frequencies of this type of communication usually do not exceed hundreds of kilohertz, while in an urban environment in this frequency range there is significant interference pollution of the spectrum, a high noise level.
At the moment, in the world literature there is an extremely limited number of publications on this type of communication. In this regard, the use of traditional development methods in the design of a NFMC system is a long and labor-intensive task. To speed up the development and reduce the material and monetary costs, it is proposed to use the concept of model-oriented design (MOD).
The purpose of the work is to consider the efficiency of using model-oriented design (MOD) methods to develop an energy-efficient NFMC system for specific operating conditions.
The use of MOD methods allows identifying and analyzing the limitations of the communication system being developed and effectively testing dynamic effects on the system in various environments and application conditions before the prototyping stage.
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