A.V. Zyuzin1, A.V. Filonovich2, I.V. Vornacheva3
1 Yaroslavl Higher Military School of Air Defense (Yaroslavl, Russia)
2,3 Southwestern State University (Kursk, Russia)
1 Aleksey.zyuzin@mail.ru, 2 filon8@yandex.ru, 3 vornairina2008@yandex.ru
In basic-correlation passive radar systems, the problem of eliminating false bearings is relevant, since such systems use correlators with large correlation accumulation coefficients.
Objective – to consider adaptive systems for eliminating false bearings, with various options for forming a two-dimensional adaptive detection threshold for eliminating false bearings is necessary.
Results: The considered variants of adaptive systems for eliminating false bearings using a two-dimensional tracking threshold are more preferable both from the energy and false alarm stabilization points of view. It has been established that the use of an adaptive threshold both by the angular coordinate and by the delay time will affect the quality indicators of adaptive multichannel detection and measurement. The results of calculations of the probabilities of detecting sources of active noise interference acting along the main and side lobes of the antenna radiation pattern are presented.
The use of a channel for generating a threshold voltage by the delay time in the direction finder ensures protection of the device from interference oscillations arriving along the side lobes of the mutual correlation function. The use of the proposed variants of adaptive SULP allows stabilizing the probability of a false alarm at a given level compared to detectors with a constant detection threshold.
Zyuzin A.V., Filonovich A.V., Vornacheva I.V. On the issue of eliminating false bearings in basic-correlation passive radar systems. Achievements of modern radioelectronics. 2024. V. 78. № 11. P. 41–49. DOI: https://doi.org/10.18127/j20700784-202411-05 [in Russian]
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