M.K. Sedankin1, S.G. Vesnin2, V.Yu. Leushin3, S.V. Agasieva4, I.O. Porokhov5, А.G. Gudkov6, A.A. Merkulov7, S.V. Chizhikov8
1–5 Peoples' Friendship University of Russia (Moscow, Russia)
6 BMSTU (Moscow, Russia)
7 RTU MIREA (Moscow, Russia)
8 Hyperion Ltd (Moscow, Russia)
1 msedankin@yandex.ru, 2 vesnin47@gmail.com, 7 merkulov@mirea.ru
The design features of applicatos antennas and conformal antenna arrays for microwave radiometry are considered, the main characteristics of antennas are presented, and scientific and technical barriers that need to be overcome are discussed. The requirements for conformal antenna arrays of multichannel multi-frequency radiothermographs are formulated. The design of a textile conformal lattice for biological objects of complex shape is proposed. Recommendations on the choice of antennas for various medical applications of microwave radiometry are presented.
Statement of the problem: the key element of a medical microwave radiothermograph is the receiving antenna, which largely determines its efficiency and diagnostic capabilities. Currently produced medical radiothermographs are single-channel and single-frequency devices. To increase diagnostic efficiency, it is necessary to have information about internal temperatures at several points in the organ being examined simultaneously. The surface of the body can have a complex shape (head, joints, etc.), therefore, to ensure effective reception of the body's own radiation, a multi-channel conformal antenna array corresponding to the shape of the body is required. Goal: analysis of the current state of research in the field of creating antennas and antenna arrays for medical radiothermographs, formation of technical requirements for conformal antenna arrays from the point of view of increasing the efficiency of detecting thermal anomalies of biological tissues and development of recommendations for choosing the optimal design of a conformal antenna array. Results: The design features of antennas and conformal antenna arrays for microwave radiometry are considered, the main characteristics of antennas are presented, and scientific and technical barriers that need to be overcome for further development of this direction are discussed. Practical significance: Technical requirements for conformal antenna arrays are formulated, and the design of a conformal antenna array consisting of textile and rubber-like materials is proposed. Scope of application of the results: the results of the work can be used as a scientific and technical basis for the design of new generation medical microwave radiothermographs.
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