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Journal Achievements of Modern Radioelectronics №6 for 2023 г.
Article in number:
Substantiation of the characteristics of a passive laser channel for transmitting information from an unmanned aerial vehicle to a ground control point
Type of article: scientific article
DOI: 10.18127/j00338486-202101-05
UDC: 621.391, 621.373.8

V.S. Kalinin1, А.A. Koziratsky2, A.N. Shmarov3

1,3 MESC AF «N.E. Zhukovsky and Y.A. Gagarin Air Force Academy» (Voronezh, Russian)
2 Voronezh State University  (Voronezh, Russian)


The basis of most of the works devoted to the transmission of information from unmanned aerial vehicles [1−3] is the organization of communication, which implements an active data transmission channel, which, in a difficult electromagnetic environment and destructive influences, does not always provide timely and stable information transmission, and carries an increased weight and size load to the media. Therefore, it is promising to build a passive laser information transmission channel.

To develop a methodology for substantiating the main characteristics of the means that are part of a passive laser channel for transmitting information from an unmanned aerial vehicle to a ground control point.

A method is proposed for transmitting information from a small-sized unmanned aerial vehicle to a ground control point, based on reading information (to be transmitted) by a laser beam generated from a consumer. In relation to which, on the basis of the methods of the theory of optimal signal reception and propagation of optical radiation, a technique has been developed for substantiating the characteristics of the means that are part of the passive laser channel. Analytical expressions are obtained for determining the detection threshold and the optimal threshold for discriminating the signals of the receiving channel; the amount of excess of the average number of photoelectrons of one signal over the other, necessary and sufficient for distinguishing two signals, is investigated.

The proposed method of information transmission will provide timely and highly stable information transmission under the influence of intentional and unintentional interference, gain in weight and dimensions of the on-board telecommunication means. The technical implementation of a passive laser channel is characterized by a low degree of complexity.

Pages: 50-57
For citation

Kalinin V.S., Koziratsky А.A., Shmarov A.N. Substantiation of the characteristics of a passive laser channel for transmitting information from an unmanned aerial vehicle to a ground control point. Radioengineering. 2021. V. 85. № 1. P. 37−43. DOI: 10.18127/ j00338486-202101-05 (in Russian)

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Date of receipt: 14.10.2020 г.
Approved after review: 03.11.2020 г.
Accepted for publication: 26.11.2020 г.