V.V. Erokhin1, B.V. Lezhankin2, E.A. Bolelov3
1,2 Irkutsk branch of the Moscow State Technical University of Civil Aviation (IB MSTU CA)
3 Moscow State Technical University of Civil Aviation (MSTU CA)
In recent years, the problem of insufficient noise immunity and accuracy of the functioning of satellite radio navigation systems (SRNS), including for high-precision positioning of unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs), has been manifested. The use of SRNS as the only means of UAV navigation is currently not acceptable, because the actual operating conditions of the UAV may be such that the SRNS will not ensure the fulfillment of the requirements for continuous and reliable receipt of coordinate-time information. In this regard, the actual goal of the research is to consider possible methods and means of providing high-precision navigation definitions when using SRNS and to evaluate the accuracy characteristics for various compositions and configurations of navigation information sources (NIS). The article proposes a way to improve the accuracy and continuity of UAV navigation definitions by introducing a triadic integrated navigation system (ISN). The results of the structural synthesis of the ISN are presented, taking into account the impact of random perturbations. It is proposed to perform integration of meters by implementing an algorithm for the appropriate processing of information in a specialized navigation processor. Based on the modified method of integration, an algorithm for joint processing of navigation information has been developed. The peculiarity of the proposed approach lies in the fact that the estimated parameters are the measurement errors of the state variables, on the basis of which the parameters of the trajectory motion are calculated. The results of modeling and research of the characteristics of the ISN for various compositions and configurations of the IIS are presented, and the dependence of the accuracy of maintaining a given UAV flight route on the errors in the estimates of navigation parameters is shown. The practical significance of the work lies in the fact that a method is proposed for improving the accuracy of navigation determinations based on the triadic ISN and characteristics for analyzing filtering errors and maintaining the flight path.
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