E.V. Egorova1, M.H. Aksayitov2, A.N. Ribakov3
1 MIREA – Russian Technological University (Moscow, Russian)
2 Research and Production Center of JSC Concern Granit-Electron (St. Petersburg)
3 All-Russian Research Institute of Automation n.a. N.L. Dukhov (Moscow, Russia)
Image transmission technology has now reached a high level. Optical, wire, radio and other types of communication are used to transmit images. The possibility of high-quality transmission of video information over distances of several tens and even hundreds of millions of kilometers has been theoretically and experimentally proven. The task of creating a global communication system for image transmission seems to be technically feasible at the present time. The results of domestic theoretical and experimental studies characterize the main areas of research in the field of detection and recognition of various radar objects, while the main research tool for most works is the detection and development of promising mathematical models of objects and modeling of secondary radiation for their recognition, which in some cases allows obtaining additional information about these objects. The application of the procedure for recognition and identification of a spatial object based on single or spatial images requires the determination of the interrelated main stages of recognition, taking into account the specificity and scientific and technical complexity of the task. At the same time, it should be taken into account that in many cases the operation of identification algorithms can be tested by simulating them on a computer without using natural information for these purposes. The use of computers for image processing makes it possible to model any processing methods, including ideal ones or those that cannot be realized with the current state of technology, in a relatively short time and at a lower cost compared to experimental prototyping. At the same time, accuracy, reliability, almost absolute reproducibility of results, the ability to control the processing process at any intermediate stage, flexibility in relation to the type and nature of the tasks being solved, and a wide scope of work are ensured. This article analyzes solutions for many problems of formation, registration, transmission, processing and recognition: efficient coding, restoration of distorted information, modeling of information transmission systems, automatic reading of text, etc. A block diagram of the recognition of spatial objects with the definition of the main stages in the identification or recognition of spatial objects from single or spatial images is presented. The features of digital processing of point images and processing of projections of spatial objects are determined. A block diagram of an object identification automaton is proposed and considered, which, using anisotropic filtering, provides effective filtering of object images distorted by additive normal noise. The use of the proposed structural scheme of recognition of spatial objects with the definition of the main stages in the identification or recognition of spatial objects from single or spatial images makes it possible to reduce the duration and laboriousness of theoretical studies, which are a necessary and mandatory part of the traditional approach to processing radar information.
Egorova E.V., Aksayitov M.H., Ribakov A.N. Probabilistic recognition procedure and identification of spatial objects. Achievements of modern radioelectronics. 2023. V. 77. № 3. P. 53–63. DOI: https://doi.org/10.18127/j20700784-202303-05 [in Russian]
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