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Journal Achievements of Modern Radioelectronics №12 for 2023 г.
Article in number:
Climatic testing of radio-electronic equipment
Type of article: scientific article
DOI: https://doi.org/10.18127/j20700784-202312-09
UDC: 62.192

M.R. Pavlov1, V.O. Startsev2, E.O. Valevin3

1–3 NRC «Kurchatov institute» – VIAM (Moscow, Russia)

2 vostartsev@viam.ru


Climatic influencing factors include temperature, humidity, atmospheric pressure, solar radiation, air exposure to dust and sand,
exposure to mold fungi, exposure to salt mist, exposure to aggressive media. Air temperature and humidity are considered to be the main climatic factors affecting the stability of electronic equipment and causing degradation of its elements.

During testing, the equipment is exposed to elevated and lowered temperatures, as well as to temperature changes. The exposure level is defined as the operating and limit temperatures. The equipment must withstand short-term exposure to extreme temperatures in non-working condition and long-term exposure to operating temperatures in operating conditions. During climatic tests, the duration of temperature exposure does not exceed 24 hours. Long-term (duration can reach tens of thousands of hours) temperature exposure is carried out during reliability and reliability tests. Reliability is understood as the ability of the equipment to maintain its operability for a specified time under specified conditions. Reliability and reliability are closely related to the concept of service life.

Humidity tests are carried out in a cyclic or continuous mode. The choice of the test mode depends on the operating conditions of the equipment. Cyclic test mode is used for equipment that can be stored, transported and operated in conditions of dew loss. At the same time, the relative humidity value of 100% is indicated in the requirements for the equipment. Equipment for which dew loss is unacceptable is tested in continuous mode, and the humidity level is set to no more than 98% in the requirements. Tests for the effects of reduced atmospheric pressure are carried out for equipment that has cavities filled with liquids or gases in its composition. Dual-use equipment is tested at an atmospheric pressure of 133 Pa (1 mm Hg). The equipment installed on board the aircraft is tested at a reduced pressure corresponding to the operating height of the equipment. Tests for exposure to solar radiation are carried out both to test the materials of the external circuit of the equipment to withstand the photochemical effects of solar radiation (primarily the ultraviolet component of solar radiation), and to test the ability of the equipment to withstand local overheating of individual sections of the device facing the sun. To check the photochemical stability, tests are carried out in a continuous mode, while it is allowed to test not the assembled product, but its layout assembled from appropriate materials, or samples of materials of the outer shell of the equipment. The dynamic impact test of dust and sand is carried out by checking the equipment to resist the abrasive effects of sand and dust. Static impact tests are carried out to check the ability of the equipment to function in dusty conditions. The equipment is tested for dynamic impact at an air flow rate of 10-15 m/s, the particle size should not exceed 200 microns. The equipment installed on board the aircraft is tested for the dynamic effect of sand at a flow rate of 18-29 m/s, particle size from 150 to 850 mkm. Tests on the effects of mold fungi are carried out to determine the ability of the equipment to resist the growth of mold fungi in conditions optimal for their development. This test is most important for equipment that can be operated and stored in areas with a tropical climate. Salt fog exposure tests are carried out to check the corrosion resistance of materials and coatings used in the manufacture of equipment intended for operation in an atmosphere saturated with salts. Aggressive media exposure tests are carried out to test the ability of the equipment to maintain its appearance, performance and parameters during exposure or after exposure to aggressive media. Aggressive media include sulfur dioxide, hydrogen sulfide, ammonia, nitrogen dioxide, ozone, amyl and heptyl.

Pages: 73-80
For citation

Pavlov M.R., Startsev V.O., Valevin E.O. Climatic testing of radio-electronic equipment. Achievements of modern radioelectronics. 2023. V. 77. № 12. P. 73–80. DOI: https://doi.org/10.18127/j20700784-202312-09 [in Russian]

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Date of receipt: 06.11.2023
Approved after review: 17.11.2023
Accepted for publication: 30.11.2023