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Journal Achievements of Modern Radioelectronics №1 for 2023 г.
Article in number:
Comparative analysis of detection of low-power coherent-pulse radiation by means of radio monitoring
Type of article: scientific article
DOI: https://doi.org/10.18127/j20700784-202301-04
UDC: 621.376.9

I.A. Balandin

Yaroslavl Higher Military School of Air Defense (Yaroslavl, Russia)


The relevance of the work lies in the difficulty of detecting radar objects that violate the established air traffic regulations when flying them at low altitudes. Modern achievements in the field of radio electronics make it possible to increase the information capabilities of radar systems through the use of radio monitoring tools to detect such targets by radiation from on-board radio navigation devices.

The calculation of the field power at the receiving point and the analysis of the possibility of detecting aircraft by modern means of radio monitoring using low-power coherent pulse radiation widely used in onboard radio navigation systems showed that it is theoretically possible to detect such targets at a range corresponding to the line-of-sight range. However, the use of correlation-filter methods, which are optimal for detecting the type of radiation under consideration, will require the implementation of a significant number of processing channels that cover the entire range of uncertainty of the characteristics of the signals being opened, which will entail a proportional increase in the conditional probability of a false alarm to unacceptable values in practice. The use of auto- and intercorrelation, as well as energy detection methods leads to the need to accumulate the opened signals for a sufficiently long time (~10 s), significantly exceeding the period of viewing the angular direction of a typical radio monitoring tool. These reasons justified the need to find the most suitable solution with the possibility of its practical implementation.

It has been established that at present there is a situation in which the known methods of opening signals implemented in radio monitoring tools do not allow aircraft to be effectively detected by low-power radiation from onboard radio navigation devices of a coherent pulse type. The probable reason for this is the continuous integration, together with the opened signals, of a more powerful intrinsic noise of the receiving device, including in frequency and time intervals free from the useful signal.

The main approach to improving the efficiency of signal detection in radio monitoring means the use of the maximum amount of a priori information about the detected radiation with a balance between necessary and excessive information content. The methods developed in this way use a smaller amount of a priori information compared to parametric (consistent) algorithms, but larger than nonparametric (energy) ones and are called robust.

Since the type of modulation of signals of radio navigation devices is determined by the circumstances and the peculiarity of their application, the information that the detected radiation will be a coherent regular sequence of radio pulses can be considered a priori known. Consequently, the synthesis of an optimal detector of low-power radiation of onboard radio navigation devices of a coherent pulse type by means of radio monitoring should be based on the development of a robust method using a priori information about the type of modulation and ranges of uncertainties of the characteristics of the signals being opened, taking into account the established requirements and limitations.

Pages: 60-68
For citation

Balandin I.A. Comparative analysis of detection of low-power coherent-pulse radiation by means of radio monitoring. Achievements of modern radioelectronics. 2023. V. 77. № 1. P. 60–68. DOI: https://doi.org/10.18127/j20700784-202301-04 [in Russian]

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Date of receipt: 17.11.2022
Approved after review: 16.12.2022
Accepted for publication: 29.12.2022