А.V. Leushin
Military Training and Research Center of the Ground Forces «Combined Arms Order of Zhukov Academy of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation» (Moscow, Russia)
The main task of command radio lines is to transmit a small amount of information over a long distance with high reliability, which determines the increased requirements for an energy-efficient communication channel. Noise immunity refers to the main characteristics of radio-technical information transmission systems, the evaluation of which allows us to judge the effectiveness of building a radio-technical system. This work is devoted to assessing the potential noise immunity of command control radio lines, knowledge of which will allow us to assess the degree of perfection of real command radio lines and warn the developer against unjustified costs when building a communication channel in order to gain in noise immunity.
Leushin А.V. Potential noise immunity of the command radio line. Achievements of modern radioelectronics. 2022. V. 76. № 7. P. 20–29. DOI: https://doi.org/10.18127/j20700784-202207-02 [in Russian]
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