N.M. Ashimov1, A.S. Vasin2, A.N. Birukov3, J.P. Aparina4
3 Combined Arms Academy of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation (Moscow, Russia)
4 Academy of the State Fire-Fighting Service Emergency of the Russian Federation (Moscow, Russia)
The «processing of binary signals in general» term was apparently introduced into scientific circulation by Professor L.M. Fink in one of his works [1], where processing in general was applied to information-redundant code combinations, that is in relation to the so-called correcting codes with the detection and correction of errors. This made it possible to significantly increase the noise immunity of the corresponding RTSs. In this work, the possibility of obtaining the same effect when working with simple and non-redundant codes, by switching to processing binary signals in toto, was excluded altogether. Indeed, the method of processing binary signals as a whole has not been considered at all in the literature for quite a long time, but in several works [2,3] it was shown that even when working with simple codes, the transition from element-by-element processing to processing in general makes it possible to noticeably increase the noise immunity of control radio lines.
Thus, the issue of increasing the noise immunity of remote object control radio lines (one of the varieties of RTS information transmission), working with binary signals of relative phase telegraphy (RPT) during the transition from element-by-element processing to signal processing in toto, is quite relevant today.
This paper presents a methodology for assessing the noise immunity of control radio lines when processing relative phase telegraphy signals in toto (a model of a control radio line is shown), and also estimates the expected gain in noise immunity achieved due to the transition to signal processing of RPT in general.
The results of the work make it possible to establish a new source of increasing the noise immunity of control radio lines, by switching from piecemeal processing of binary multi-bit signals of relative phase telegraphy to processing in toto, which will positively affect the reliability of control of command radio lines.
Ashimov N.M., Vasin A.S., Birukov A.N., Aparina J.P. Noise immunity of control radio links, working with signals of relative phase telegraphy. Achievements of modern radioelectronics. 2022. V. 76. № 5. P. 55–62. DOI: https://doi.org/10.18127/j20700784-202205-05 [in Russian]
- Fink L.M. Teoriya peredachi diskretnykh signalov. M.: Sov. radio. 1970. [in Russian]
- Ashimov N.M., Vasin A.S., Kuz'mishchev P.G., Aparina Yu.P. Obrabotka v tselom mnogorazryadnykh dvoichnykh signalov chastotnoy telegrafii v radioliniyakh upravleniya. Uspekhi sovremennoy radioelektroniki. 2020. T. 74. № 7. S. 32‒37. DOI: 10.18127/j20700784-202007-03. [in Russian]
- Ashimov N.M., Aparina Yu.P., Vasin A.S. Poelementnaya obrabotka i obrabotka v tselom mnogorazryadnykh dvoichnykh signalov. Elektromagnitnye volny i elektronnye sistemy. 2017. № 6. S. 58–63. [in Russian]