Journal Achievements of Modern Radioelectronics №2 for 2022 year
3D accuracy display evaluation of the relief elements at the Earth's surface by space remote sensing systems

A.S. Petrov1, A.E. Nazarov2, D.S. Demin3

1-3 Lavochkin Association (Khimki, Moscow region, Russia)

Algorithm for finding sources of active interference on direction finding relief using diagram similarity method

D.V. Bogomaz1, Е.Е. Smirnov2, А.А. Petrovsky3, N.А. Khodataev4

1,2 Military Space Academy named after A.F. Mozhajskij (St. Petersburg, Russia)

3 JSC «Radiotechnical Institute named after academician A.L. Mints» (St. Petersburg, Russia)

4 JSC «Concern «Radio Engineering and Information Systems» (Moscow, Russia)

Linearization of limiters in systems «filter – limiter – filter»

N.М. Ashimov1, А.S. Vasin2, P.G. Kuzmishchev3, Yu.P. Aparina4

3 Central Research Testing Institute of Engineering Troops named after D.M. Karbysheva (Nakhabino, Moscow region, Russia)

4 Academy of the State fire-fighting service Emergency of the Russian Federation (Moscow, Russia)

Methodology of tracking of closely located objects with different motion characteristics by information and measurement system

Е.Е. Smirnov1, А.А. Pozdniakov2

1,2 Military Space Academy named after A.F. Mozhajskij (St. Petersburg, Russia)

Structural-parametric synthesis of the model of multi-criteria optimization of the solution of training problems with an aviation multifunctional simulator

L.Е. Mistrov1, E.М. Shepovalov2

1 VUNC VVS «VVA», Central branch of RGUP (Voronezh, Russia)
2 VUNC VVS «VVA» (Voronezh, Russia)


Николай Петрович Данилкин – д.ф.-м.н., Институт прикладной геофизики
им. академика Е.К. Федорова РАН (Москва, Россия)