A.V. Borisovskaya1
1 St. Petersburg State University of Aerospace Instrumentation (St. Petersburg, Russia)
Most modern monitoring systems, such as environmental monitoring systems, use LoRaWAN (Long Range Wide Area Network) technology. This technology allows to transfer small amounts of data over long distances. In addition, it allows to reduce the number of collisions in such systems due to a wide range of data rates and due to different frequency channels. The existing models of monitoring systems based on random multiple access do not take into account the features of LoRaWAN technology. Therefore, it is relevant to study monitoring systems based on networks with LoRaWAN technology.
In the construction of monitoring systems with LoRaWAN technology, there are difficulties in choosing the best system parameters. One of these parameters is the number of sensors. The question of choosing the optimal number of sensors in such systems remains open. To select the optimal parameters of the monitoring system, it is necessary to evaluate the quality of its work.
The main task of the monitoring system is to detect an event that has appeared in the system and transmit information about it to the base station. In other words, the monitoring system must provide a high probability of delivering information about the event to the base station. Therefore, the probability of delivering information about an event can be considered as a criterion for the performance of such systems. Currently, the question of assessing the quality of monitoring systems based on LoRaWAN technology remains open. Therefore, the calculation of the probability of delivering information about an event in such systems is an urgent task.
Borisovskaya A.V. Event information delivery probability calculation in monitoring systems based on networks with LoRaWAN technology. Achievements of Modern Radioelectronics. 2022. V. 76. № 12. P. 82–89. DOI: https://doi.org/ 10.18127/j20700784-202212-11 [in Russian]
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