V.A. Miklush1, T.M. Tatarnikova2
1,2 St. Petersburg State University of Aerospace Instrumentation (St. Petersburg, Russia)
The finite storage capacity of the sensor node batteries has dictated a strategy for relaying data packets through neighboring sensor nodes, such that the data packet reaches the destination node in a few steps. To ensure a high probability of data delivery, multipath routing is required – the presence of several paths from each source node to each destination node. The implementation of multipath routing, in turn, requires the deployment of a wireless sensor network with a mesh topology – a mesh network, which corresponds to the creation of a continuous sensor field. A solid sensory field corresponds to the condition of full coverage of the area of responsibility by the sensitivity zones of the sensors. Responsibility area is a section of the territory that has certain boundaries, within which the operation of a wireless sensor network is deployed.
Target – solving the problem of optimizing the location of sensor nodes in a wireless sensor network with a mesh topology, which includes solving the problem of finding the optimal location of sensors in a wireless sensor network in terms of full coverage of the area of responsibility with sensor sensitivity zones, provided that spatial and temporal signal distortions exist simultaneously.
A method for joint optimization of the location of sensors and information flows in a wireless sensor network with acceptable limits of signal distortion is proposed. The dependence of the optimal number of sensors in a peer-to-peer wireless sensor network is constructed as a function of the network length parameter for cases of strong and weak data correlation.
The method proposed in the paper will allow, at the initial stages of designing a wireless sensor network, to determine the required number of sensor nodes with specified technical characteristics.
Miklush V.A., Tatarnikova T.M. Problem solution of different sensors location in organizing a Mesh topology wireless sensor network. Achievements of modern radioelectronics. 2022. V. 76. № 12. P. 15–20. DOI: https://doi.org/ 10.18127/j20700784-202212-03 [in Russian]
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