S.А. Skachkov1, O.N. Andreeva2, А.V. Klyuev3, А.А. Kovalev4, А.G. Musihin5, V.V. Lozovskiy6
1,3,4 Military Academy of Military Air Defense of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation named after Marshal
of the Soviet Union A.M. Vasilevsky (Smolensk, Russia)
2 JSC «Concern «Morinformsystem-Agat» (Moscow, Russia)
5,6 MIREA – Russian Technological University (Moscow, Russia)
Modern control computing systems represent a set of software and hardware, the main task of which is the development of correct and timely control commands for terminal devices.
A feature of the hardware platform of control computing systems is the presence of two types of primary threats to reliability: stable failures caused by the consequences of the physical and chemical destruction of the element base; failures representing distortion of bit information as a result of interference (usually electromagnetic nature). Similar consequences and a different mechanism of occurrence and elimination determine the dual properties of these reliability threats. In such conditions, it is impossible to provide the required level of functional reliability at the minimum cost of available funds without a detailed study of the features of hardware threats to the functional reliability of computing systems.
The problem considered in the article is the imperfection of the system for ensuring the functional reliability of control computing systems in the conditions of the dual nature of threats to the reliability of the hardware platform. The purpose of the work is to increase the functional reliability of control computing systems with a combined impact on the level of their operability of stable failures and failures of the hardware platform. The paper analyzes the role and place of the computer system in the process of interaction between the controlled and control systems, presents the theoretical basis for ensuring the development of correct and timely control actions in modern information systems, analyzes threats to the reliability of the hardware platform, shows the main features of failures and sustained failures that determine the dual nature of their impact on the functional reliability of computing systems. The results of the work allow us to develop a concept for building a system to ensure the functional reliability of control computing systems in the conditions of the dual nature of threats to the reliability of the hardware platform.
Skachkov S.A., Andreeva O.N., Klyuev A.V., Kovalev A.A., Musihin A.G., Lozovskiy V.V. Dualism of hardware threats functional reliability of control computing systems. Achievements of modern radioelectronics. 2022. V. 76. № 11. P. 40–51. DOI: https://doi.org/ 10.18127/j20700784-202211-04 [in Russian]
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