А.D. Vinogradov1, L.А. Minin2, Е.Yu. Morozov3, S.N. Ushakov4
1 MTSC Air Forces «MAA named professor N.E. Zhukovsky and Y.A. Gagarin» (Voronezh, Russia)
2-4 Voronezh State University (Voronezh, Russia)
A one-stage method of single-position positioning of ground-based sources of radio emission with a lateral deviation of a single-hop trajectory of propagation of an ionospheric radio wave from the plane of the great circle of the Earth for flat and spherical models of Earth has been substantiated and an appropriate algorithm for calculating the coordinates of the ground-based source of radio emission with a priori known altitude and angular the parameters of the inclination of the reflecting layer of the ionosphere has been developed. Analytical expressions for calculating the relations of radio direction finding errors in the horizontal and vertical planes for a single-hop trajectory of ionospheric radio wave propagation on the angular parameters of the inclination of the reflecting layer of the ionosphere are obtained without using approximate relations for flat and spherical Earth models of Earth. The results of the analysis and estimation of errors of known approximate relations for calculating the errors of radio direction finding of ionospheric radio waves from the angular parameters of the inclination of the reflecting layer of the ionosphere are deduced. A substantiated one-stage method for single-position positioning of ground-based radio emission sources with a lateral deviation of a single-hop trajectory of propagation of an ionospheric radio wave from the Earth's great circle can be used to construct stations for single-position positioning of ground-based sources of radio emission, which are subject to increased requirements for the accuracy of positioning of ground-based radio sources and performance.
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