A.V. Bogdanov1, D.V. Zakomoldin2, S.I. Akimov3
1–3 Military Academy of Aerospace Defense named after Marshal of the Soviet Union G.K. Zhukov (Tver, Russia)
In the article, based on the mathematical apparatus of the statistical theory of optimal control in the state space, the synthesis of a method for controlling the parameters of the pulse-Doppler onboard radar system (BRLS) of a fighter aircraft is presented, in the interests of ensuring the energy stealth of its operation on radiation with a given probability, when detecting an air target-the carrier of a radio intelligence station, the optimal minimum local quality functional. The efficiency of the synthesized method is also evaluated on the basis of modeling.
As part of the synthesis, the quality functional was determined and control signals were obtained for the parameters of the radar operation, which make it possible to ensure the energy stealth of the fighter's radar operation with a given probability in the process of approaching the radar carriers and the radio intelligence station (RTR).
The indicators of the control signal efficiency determine the probability of correct detection of the radar of the air target carrier of the RTR station and the probability of non-detection by the RTR station of the sounding radar signal in the process of their approach. Based on the simulation, the effectiveness of the control signals is evaluated, which shows that in the process of approaching the fighter and the RTR carrier station, the energy stealth of the radar operation is provided with a given probability by controlling the parameters of the radar operation.
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