Journal Achievements of Modern Radioelectronics №5 for 2021 г.
Article in number:
Method for structural and functional synthesis of aviation multifunctional simulators
Type of article: scientific article
UDC: 519.856

L.Е. Mistrov¹, E.М. Shepovalov²

1  VUNC VVS «VVA», Central branch of RGUP (Voronezh, Russia)

2 VUNC VVS «VVA» (Voronezh, Russia)


A method of structural and functional synthesis of aviation multifunctional simulators (AMT) is proposed for training aircraft crews according to the criterion of solving a certain set of educational tasks (US) in order to form a system-technical concept of their construction and determine the main visual parameters. The physical and mathematical formulation of the synthesis of the appearance (composition of hardware and software (APS), technical characteristics and functioning algorithms) of AMT on a set of conditions and constraints is given, which implements a conceptual model of substantiating its optimal version in the form of a control, in-formationsupporting and executive (as part of the APS ) subsystems in the field of admissible solutions of the functional, structural and parametric aspects of synthesis. A descriptive model of the use of AMT is substantiated in the form of a logically structured hierarchical system of typical elementary, simple, complex and target situations at the levels of elementary technological operations, individual, aggregate and aggregate of program components with a model representation of elementary fragments of subtasks, subtasks, one and a system of educational tasks, respectively. The construction of the model is carried out on the basis of invariant immersion in the nomenclature and structure of the US and the selection using the structural and functional analysis of the set of structured elements of typical situations on the set of recognition signs at the characteristic (nodal) points of the trajectories of the flight mission (US) by the aircraft crew. In accordance with this structured AMT mod-el, a hierarchical system of methods, models and techniques for assessing and substantiating the preferred appearance of AMT has been developed in terms of information, information-system and system performance indicators at the stages of analysis and synthesis. The basis of the efficiency of the generated AMT variants is structured functional tasks of the qualitative and quantitative assessment of the heterogeneous resource of the AMT and taking into account their interrelationships at different levels of research. When synthesizing the AMT appearance, the problem is solved on the basis of the optimal distribution of the APS resource when implementing an external system control function and an intrasystem transition function while providing an adaptive solution to a set and one US, respectively. The AMT synthesis trajectory includes an algorithmic sequence of hierarchical levels of research coordinated according to decision-making criteria, corresponding to aspects of organizational, functional, structural and parametric synthesis and is presented in the form of an algorithmic research scheme that implements a multi-level sequential process of evaluating the effectiveness of generated variants of its appearance and choosing the optimal option for certain conditions and restrictions. The method is based on the provisions of the theories of analysis and synthesis of complex systems, system analysis, decision-making, resource allocation, optimization, hierarchical decomposition, graphs, invariant immersion methods, systematic coverage, goal tree and expert methods, as well as formalized logical-heuristic procedures for checking the APS for completeness and consistency in solving UZ based on formal conditions and axiomatic rules. The implementation of the method will improve the sound decisions on the structural and functional appearance of AMT at the initial stages of its life cycle.

Pages: 19-36
For citation

Mistrov L.E., Shepovalov E.M. Method for structural and functional synthesis of aviation multifunctional simulators. Achievements of modern radioelectronics. 2021. V. 75. № 5. P. 19–36. DOI: [in Russian]

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Date of receipt: 10.10.2020
Approved after review: 30.03.2021
Accepted for publication: 24.04.2021