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Journal Achievements of Modern Radioelectronics №3 for 2021 г.
Article in number:
Algorithms for detecting broadband signals with a constant level of false alarms
Type of article: scientific article
DOI: 10.18127/j20700784-202103-03
UDC: 621.391.26; 621.396.96

I.F. Lozovskiy

JSC «SRIMI-NPnC» (Novosibirsk, Russia)


The use of broadband souding signals in radars, which has become real in recent years, leads to a significant reduction in the size of resolution elements in range and, accordingly, in the size of the window in which the training sample is formed, which is used to adapt the detection threshold in signal detection algorithms with a constant level of false alarms. In existing radars, such a window would lead to huge losses. The purpose of the work was to study the most rational options for constructing detectors with a constant level of false alarms in radars with broadband sounding signals.

The problem was solved for the Rayleigh distribution of the envelope of the noise and a number of non-Rayleigh laws — Weibull and the lognormal, the appearance of which is associated with a decrease in the number of reflecting elements in the resolution volume. For Rayleigh interference, an algorithm is proposed with a multi-channel in range incoherent signal amplitude storage and normalization to the larger of the two estimates of the interference power in the range segments. The detection threshold in it adapts not only to the interference power, but also to the magnitude of the «power jump» in range, which allows reducing the number of false alarms during sudden changes in the interference power – the increase in the probability of false alarms did not exceed one order of magnitude. In this algorithm, there is a certain increase in losses associated with incoherent accumulation of signals reflected from target elements, and losses can be reduced by certain increasing the size of the distance segments that make up the window.

Algorithms for detecting broadband signals against interference with non-Rayleigh laws of distribution of the envelope – Weibull and lognormal, based on the addition of the algorithm for detecting signals by non-linear transformation of sample counts into counts with a Rayleigh distribution, are studied. The structure of the detection algorithm remains unchanged in practice. The options for detectors of narrowband and broadband signals are considered. It was found that, in contrast to algorithms designed for the Rayleigh distribution, these algorithms provide a stable level of false alarms regardless of the values of the parameters of non-Rayleigh interference.

To reduce losses due to interference with the distribution of amplitudes according to the Rayleigh law, detectors consisting of two channels are used, in which one of the channels is tuned for interference with the Rayleigh distribution, and the other for lognormal or Weibull interference. Channels are switched according to special distribution type recognition algorithms. In such detectors, however, there is a certain increase in the probability of false alarms in a rather narrow range of non-Rayleigh interference parameters, where their distribution approaches the Rayleigh distribution. It is shown that when using broadband signals, there is a noticeable decrease in detection losses in non-Rayleigh noise due to lower detection thresholds for in range signal amplitudes incoherent storage.

Pages: 53-61
For citation

Lozovskiy I.F. Algorithms for detecting broadband signals with a constant level of false alarms. Achievements of modern radioelectronics. 2021. V. 75. № 3. P. 53–61. DOI: https://doi.org/10.18127/j20700784-202103-03 [in Russian]

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Date of receipt: 18.10.2020
Approved after review: 24.02.2021
Accepted for publication: 15.03.2021