А.А. Boldyrev, А.А. Buben’shikov, D.I. Boldyrev
MESC AF «N.E. Zhukovsky and Y.A. Gagarin Air Force Academy» (Voronezh, Russia)
In modern conditions of rapid development of telecommunication technologies radio engineering means of different function are used everywhere in all spheres of ability to live of the person. Thus organizational-technical systems of civil appointment and power departments use the wide nomenclature of radio-electronic means of various classes with a wide spectrum of parameters, kinds of radiations and operating modes. In turn, it causes formation of difficult electromagnetic conditions in administrative-industrial regions and their near environment. The primary goal of services of radio control in these conditions is control over correctness of use by organizational-technical systems of the allocated resource of a radiofrequency spectrum and the parameters radiating of radio-electronic means. One of the main difficulties with which means of radio control in the course of the analysis of electromagnetic conditions in the set territorial area face a considerable quantity of radiating radio-electronic means with various parameters in a wide range of the relation a signal/noise, and also presence of stirring influence of any hindrances is. These factors make rigid demands to indicators of quality of functioning of panoramic detectors-direction finders which make a basis of mobile and stationary means of radio control. One of the basic indicators of quality of panoramic detectors-direction finders of means of radio control is range of detection of the radio-electronic means, defined by the set level of sensitivity and demanded values of probabilities of detection and a false alarm. Authors in article result results of working out of algorithm of increase of range of detection of signals by means of radio control on the basis of an estimated-correlation-compensatory way of measurement and indemnification of average capacity of additive hindrances in the reception channel.
By results of the researches spent in article it is shown that:
the increase in average capacity of cumulative external inadvertent and deliberate hindrances for the set typical initial data leads in VHF a range to reduction of range of detection of radio-electronic means not less, than in 1,4 times from the demanded;
at demanded value of probability of detection, for example, and probabilities of a false alarm, at relative level of external set of a hindrance the panoramic detectors-direction finder of means of radio control with the realised procedure of measurement and indemnification of average value of capacity (dispersion) of inadvertent, deliberate hindrances and internal noise allows to lower the requirement to the threshold relation a signal/(noise) (on pressure) more, than in 1,3 times that will allow to approach value of range of detection to a reference value.
Boldyrev А.А., Bubenshikov А.А., Boldyrev D.I. Synthesis of an algorithm for increasing the detection range of signals from radio-electronic means by means
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