V.N. Antipov¹, S.L. Ivanov², E.Е. Koltyshev³, V.V. Mukhin4, A.Yu. Frolov5, V.Т. Yankovskiy6
1,3–6 Ural Design Bureau «Detail» (Kamensk-Uralsky, Russia)
2 MESC AF «N.E. Zhukovsky and Y.A. Gagarin Air Force Academy» (Voronezh, Russia)
Modern radars, along with the detection and measurement of target coordinates against the background of interference, must solve the problem of detecting radio emission sources and measuring their coordinates. Detection of interference, as well as targets, in the radar is provided in the main (total) channel based on the analysis of the rangefinder-Doppler portrait of the received signal. The main disadvantage of such a detector is that the interference coming along the side lobes of the sum antenna and falling into the dip of the antenna radiation pattern may not be detected. Therefore, the problem arises of developing and analyzing algorithms for detecting interference in a radar with several receiving channels.
The article discusses the logical, energy, correlation and eigenvalues of the cross-correlation matrix of the received signals interference detectors for two receiving channels. Their characteristics are given. It is shown that two-channel interference detectors based on the analysis of the eigenvalues of the cross-correlation matrix have the highest efficiency. Energy and logical algorithms are quite a bit inferior to them.
The developed algorithms make it possible to effectively detect radio emission sources even when they are in the dip of one of the antenna patterns.
Antipov V.N., Ivanov S.L., Koltyshev E.E., Mukhin V.V., Frolov A.Yu., Yankovskiy V.T. Multi-channel interference source detector. Achievements of modern radioelectronics. 2021. V. 75. № 2. P. 57–65. DOI: 10.18127/j20700784202102-06. [in Russian]
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