A.A. Bliznyuk, S.B. Zhironkin, A.V. Slobodyanyuk
Military Academy of Aerospace Defense named after Marshal of the Soviet Union G.K. Zhukov (Tver, Russia)
The integration of detectors can lead to an improvement in their performance. In this case, heterogeneous (radar, optoelectronic, radiotechnical) detectors can be combined. The task of integrating radar detectors is relevant for multi-positional radar stations. The construction of integrated identification systems can also be viewed as the task of combining detectors of their objects.
There are three main options for combining detectors: centralized, partially decentralized, and fully decentralized. Centralized detection implements aggregation at the primary processing level, which provides potential characteristics, but it is difficult to implement such a combination in practice. Partially decentralized detection is implemented more simply, when preliminary detection decisions are made in the integrated detectors, which are then jointly processed and a final decision is formed. In joint processing of preliminary decisions, the probabilities of correct detection and false alarm of complexed detectors are usually used. The article presents an algorithm for partially decentralized combining of detectors using posterior probabilities of correct detection and false alarm. According to the results of computer simulation of the algorithm, characteristics were obtained that indicate an increase in the quality of detection relative to the best of the combined detectors. The use of the usual probabilities of correct detection and false alarm when combining does not guarantee such an increase – for certain characteristics of the detectors being combined, the effect of combining can be negative: the detection quality after combining will be lower relative to the best of the combined detectors.
Bliznyuk А.А., Zhironkin S.B., Slobodyanyuk А.V. Algorithm for partially decentralized processing of a posteriori information in an integrated detection system. Achievements of modern radioe
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