A.V. Bogdanov¹, D.V. Zakomoldin², I.V. Kochetov³, S.I. Akimov4
1–4 Military Academy of Aerospace Defense named after Marshal of the Soviet Union G.K. Zhukov (Tver, Russia)
The article proposes methods of counteraction to the enemy's electronic reconnaissance means, both for a duel situation and for group actions of fighters, analyzes their advantages and disadvantages, identifies limitations on their use.
The physical meaning of these methods is to ensure the secrecy of the operation of on-board radar systems for radiation, due to the variation in the energy potential of the station, in particular, the time of coherent energy accumulation in narrow-band Doppler filters when receiving signals reflected from air targets and the radiation power of the transmitter of the on-board radar system when forming sounding radar signal packs.
In the article, along with the methods of ensuring the secrecy of the operation of onboard radar systems of fighters, which make it possible to carry out technical measures only after radar contact with an air target equipped with electronic reconnaissance means, which leads to a decrease in their effectiveness, methods for controlling the secrecy of the operation of onboard radar systems of fighters are additionally given, allowing to provide stealth with a given probability in the dynamics of the approach of a fighter with its emitting airborne radar system with an air target, equipped with electronic reconnaissance means.
In addition, it should be noted the method of managing the energy secrecy of airborne radar systems during group actions of fighters, within the framework of the development of which the possibility of summing up the powers emitted by the transmitters of the onboard radar systems of fighters when they work together for radiation in the position of conducting electronic reconnaissance is taken into account.
Implementation of the developed methods will allow:
to increase the survivability of fighters, and to an increase in this indicator, both the ensured secrecy of the operation of onboard radar systems of fighters for radiation and the implementation of the multi-position principle of building radar systems, given in the method of stealth control of the onboard radar system of fighters during group actions of fighters.
to expand the combat capabilities of fighters, due to the fact that the covert operation of the onboard radar systems of fighters for radiation excludes the possibility of reconnaissance of the parameters of the sounding signal and, as a result, the possibility of setting active interference is excluded.
Bogdanov А.V., Zakomoldin D.V., Kochetov I.V., Akimov S.I. Methods of counteraction to means of electronic reconnaissance of the enemy during the operation of pulse-Doppler onboard radars of fighters for radiation. Achievements of modern radioelectronics. 2021. V. 75. № 2. P. 6–17. DOI:
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