Yu.V. Koltzov
Nizhegorodskiy Research Institute (Nizhny Novgorod, Russia)
The article is dedicate to unique radars – Radar on Chip (RoC) – vast possibilities which allowed in practice.
Driven by the demand for automotive assistance and safety systems, millimeter–wave (mm–wave) radars have received a lot of attention in the last decade, leading to highly sophisticated radar sensors being used in a large variety of different applications especially in automotive. These sensors are mostly based on frequency–modulated continuous wave (FMCW) or chirp–sequence modulation schemes. However, a disruptive development is observable in the field of mm–wave radars: the focus is on digital radars. The digital signal generation not only allows the flexible adoption of modulation parameters during operation but even enables the use of multiple waveforms and modulation schemes. Since the transmit signal is designed precisely in terms of time and spectrum utilization, it further enables simplified cooperation between sensors. This helps to avoid interference and enables the operation of multiple sensors in a sensor network. Additionally, unfiltered and uncut channel information is available at the receiver such that interference detection and its precise characterization are simplified, and the existence of other radars may even be exploited in the form of passive radar operation. This development is closely related to the evolution of orthogonal frequency–division multiplexing (OFDM) and phase– modulated continuous wave (PMCW) as modulation formats since those schemes can benefit most from a digital implementation. At the same time, the analog front–end hardware is simplified, and the combination of independent front– and back–end blocks modularizes radar design.
Yet there are reasons why this development is still research. The lack of affordable high–speed data converters, which are required to have a sufficiently good range resolution, is an important point to mention here, as well as the necessity of a digital processing engine that can handle the immense amount of data that need to be processed. For a sampling rate of 1 GHz, four in–phase/quadrature (I/Q)–channels, and a resolution of 14 bits, the data rate is about 112 Gb/s for both the transmitter and receiver. This leads to 14 GB of receive data per second, which, even for a short radar frame with a duration of 10 ms, sums up to 140 MB. Therefore, recent publications have mostly focused on optimized signal processing and the development of suitable transceiver monolithic microwave integrated circuits (MMICs), while the systems that have been realized and used to verify the concepts are rather bulky and rely on software–based offline processing. Only a few examples exist that take the next step toward a complete system. The most advanced integrated PMCW radar system–on–chip (SoC) given in our article, where the complete PMCW processing is integrated in an application–specified IC (ASIC).
In the following, we present a highly flexible all–digital 12×16 multiple–input, multiple–output (MIMO) mm–wave radar. It fulfills functional automotive–grade specifications and is capable of real–time evaluation of OFDM and PMCW signals. The article describes all hardware and software building blocks, starting with system aspects, the front–end hardware, and details of the radar MMICs. The modulation formats OFDM and PMCW and their signal processing chains are explained. The functionality of the whole system is verified with measurements for both PMCW and OFDM.
Compared to analog frequency–modulated radars, digital signal generation offers the possibility to realize modulation schemes such as OFDM and PMCW, which are instantaneously wideband. Both schemes employ a coded waveform, leading to a large processing gain and making it more robust against interference artifacts and hardware errors.
Despite the small size the automotive integrated radar have tremendous opportunities, previously unattainable, providing four– dimensional information (4D): three coordinates plus speed.
Koltzov Yu.V. Car radars on chip. Achievements of modern radioelectronics. 2021. V. 75. № 10. P. 50–75. DOI: https://doi.org/10.18127/ j20700784-202110-04 [in Russian]
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