A.S. Bugaev1, S.I. Ivashov2, V.V. Razevig3
1 Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology (Moscow region, Russia)
2,3 Bauman Moscow State Technical University (Moscow, Russia)
Nowadays increased attention to preservation and the restoration, if there is need, of objects of cultural heritage of mankind requires the development and implementation of new technical means of diagnostics and non-destructive testing, including those operating in the microwave range. One of these tools, which has found wide application in recent years especially in archeology, are subsurface radars. Classical subsurface radars using pulsed signals allow sounding soils in some cases to depths of 10 m. But their resolution is clearly insufficient for many practical applications. An alternative to their use is continuous wave holographic subsurface radars, which, although they are inferior to pulsed ones in sounding depth, are used in the examination of building structures, nondestructive testing of dielectric composite materials, as well as cultural objects. In this work, among other applications, the possibility of using radio holography to survey the Cheops pyramid, Egypt is considered. This task is especially urgent in light of the reports that have appeared on the alleged detection of previously unknown voids in the pyramid body using muon sensors. Given that this method is indirect and in the absence of the possibility of drilling or making passes, independent confirmation is required based on other nondestructive testing methods.
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